PRF News

April 2023

InSPiR2eS Centre for Responsible Science (IC4RS)

IC4RS was launched in March 2023 for the benefit of all InSPiR2eS members. IC4RS provides a virtual platform for like-minded researchers to promote and engage in the principles and practices of Responsible Science. The primary vision and goal of IC4RS is to meaningfully facilitate a conducive environment, motivations, and incentives for the next generation of researchers to deliver high quality research that is credible, relevant, and independent. Moreover, the underlying vision of the IC4RS is to service, at scale, remote and under-resourced locations around the globe where research training and capacity building in line with the principles of Responsible Science, is, at best, a monumental challenge and, at worst, entirely non-existent. Currently, IC4RS has 47 Node Leaders, in 25 countries spread across all 6 continents. … be INSPIRED

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InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition 2023 (IGPRC2023)

Following on from the resounding success of the inaugural InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition (IGPRC) event in 2021-22, founded on Faff’s (2015, 2021) Pitching Research Framework (PRF), we have launched a second edition of the global Pitching Research competition in 2023. … be INSPIRED … Some key takeaways about the IGPRC2023 are:

To be eligible, participants must have successfully completed the “Pitching Research Matters” micro-credential course at the time of submitting their IGPRC2023 entry – click to learn more

For more information see the SSRN paper: Faff, Robert W., InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition 2023 (IGPRC2023) … What, Why, How, Who, and When? (March 25, 2023)