PRF News

IGPRC 2023 – Grand Finalists Announced​

We are VERY pleased to share with our InSPiR2eS community the outcome of the very difficult deliberations to decide the pool of Grand Finalists for IGPRC2023 as listed below (alphabetical by country)

It is wonderful to see 8 countries represented, spanning 5 continents!  A truly global competition …! Also, the wide array of topics and fields of study…truly inspirational! Congratulations to this group of 9 to make it to this final stage. You have done yourselves proud, and your institution, and your country! Well done.

Please look out for imminent news to be posted on this page of the online Grand Final anticipated to occur in January 2024. We would greatly welcome your e-attendance at this “gala” celebratory online event at a date/time soon to be determined.

The grand finalists are:

Josh Nguyen: Predicting Future Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours in Youth (Australia)

Anam Shahil: How Do Caregivers Feel About Using Telemonitoring to Support High-Risk Pregnant Women? (Canada)

Pham Thi Hong Thuy: Orchestra of Change: Building Employee Commitment to Multiple Change Initiatives (France)

Dr. Dian Widiyati: The Key to Unlocking Team Performance: Empirical Investigation in Indonesia League C (Indonesia)

Faith Njaramba: Abusive supervision and financial performance. The role of grit and gender (Kenya)

Benard Alaka: An Ontology Learning Model for Dysarthria Speech Using Semantic-Situational Projection Analysis (Kenya)

Farehan Omar: The Role of Personality Peculiarities on Mental Health Using the Job-Demands Resources Model: The Mediating Effect of Job Burnout (Malaysia)

Badr-Eddine Lahsini: Measuring the Influence of Management Responses on Travelers’ Subsequent Engagement: A Textual Analysis Perspective (Morocco)

Tran Quan: Is competitiveness the culprit? Mechanisms behind youth’s Facebook use and emotional well-being (Vietnam)