Welcome to an integrated set of learning modules designed to underpin a self-paced/ asynchronous approach to support research training and capacity building.
- Generally, the full set of modules contain 5 types of helpful learning resources: (1) “Read Now” SSRN papers; (2) “Download” Word files; (3) “Browse” an e-library; (4) “View Now” PPTs; & (5) “Watch Now” videos.
- General advice: in most cases, after selecting the desired module: (1) first, “Read Now”: access and read the SSRN paper or other critical reading resource; (2) second, “Watch Now”: watch the core instructional module video; (3) engage with a selection of other companion resources in the given module, largely determined by your interests, your experience and/or advice from your research mentor.
- With a genuine and consistent effort following the above advice, you should succeed in achieving the 3 learning objectives (✔) identified at the beginning of each set of module resources below.
Overwhelmed by the amount of resources?
Never fear! We put together 4x unique learning tracks tailored to your learning style, to help fast-track your way through the Pitching Research modules!
Module 1 - Responsible Science Matters
This module is designed to introduce you to the basic concept of responsible science, identifying its key markers and related critical challenges facing the research community. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Understand why and in what ways responsible science is important to advancing our knowledge of how the world really works.
- Appreciate the wide range of concerns about current potential failings in how scholarly research is accumulated over time
- Recognise what are the potential solutions to these current failings and, as part of the solution process, the ways in which you, as an individual, might start to alter your approach to future research projects that better aligns with the basic principles of responsible science.
Module 2 - Pitching Research Matters
This module is designed to introduce you to the basic framework of pitching research, its underlying philosophy and its key elements. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Understand and generally appreciate why and in what ways the pitching framework can help you carefully plan your new research that is fully in tune with responsible science.
- Appreciate the logic underlying the “4-3-2-1+1” inverted wedge template design
- Understand and generally appreciate four broad types of pitching in terms of the interaction between ex ante vs. ex post and real vs. hypothetical exercises
Module 3 - Reverse Pitching Matters
This module is designed to introduce you to the reverse pitching version of the pitching research framework. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Understand how to generally apply the PR framework to deconstruct an existing research study into its primary elements
- Understand how, by employing the PR as a “reverse engineering” tool, you can foster good habits in line with a responsible science approach
- Understand how to specifically apply the PR framework as a “reverse engineering” tool in special cases e.g., as a writing diagnostic tool applied to a paper Introduction
Module 4 - Pitch Sparring
This module is designed to introduce you to the pitch sparring application of the pitching research framework. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Understand how to apply the PR framework in an interactive “sparring” scenario involving one or more research collaborators
- Appreciate the dynamics of teamwork and the practical considerations leading to joint decision-making and consensus building, applied in a research context
- Benefit from pitch sparring as a confidence building, steppingstone strategy toward applying the PR framework to your own research planning activity
Module 5 - Fantasy Pitching
This module is designed to introduce you to the fantasy pitching application of the pitching research framework. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Understand how to apply the PR framework in an interactive “fantasy pitching” scenario involving one or more research collaborators
- Further appreciate the dynamics of teamwork and the practical considerations leading to joint decision-making and consensus building, applied in a research context
- Benefit from fantasy pitching as a confidence building, steppingstone strategy toward applying the PR framework to your own research planning activity
Module 6 - Advanced Pitching
This module is designed to provide advanced insights into the pitching research framework. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Better absorb fine-tuned nuances of the pitching framework to improve and enhance a careful plan of your new research in ways that are fully in tune with responsible science
- Benefit from immersive learning through observing others apply written and oral pitching to their own real research topics
- Have a high level of confidence to personally action a productively meaningful non-linear, recursive and converging process toward developing your own research pitch
Module 7 - Engagement & Impact Matters
This module is designed to introduce you to the second generation “engagement & impact” tool within the pitching research framework. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Understand the need to conceive scholarly research that has more direct and meaningful links to real-world problems and issues
- Understand and generally appreciate why and in what ways the second-generation PR4EI pitching tool can help you carefully plan a new research project which targets real-world problems and issues
- Understand how the second-generation PR4EI tool complements and enhances the original scholarly pitching research tool, in meaningful ways that are fully in tune with responsible science

Module 8 - Effective Supervision
This module is designed to provide some starting guidance for research supervisors / trainers / instructors regarding how to unleash the power of the PRF for mentoring their research-enabled and/or research-focused students. Completing this module will enable you to:
- Understand the key roles and responsibilities of a research supervisor in using the PRF to enhance both the supervision process and the research outcomes of students
- Appreciate how the PRF can be effectively integrated into supervisory practices to foster critical thinking, independence, and effective research skills among students
- Develop the skills to effectively mentor students using the PRF, tailoring feedback and guidance to meet individual learning needs and research goals
Unsure where to start?
Download one of the 4x unique learning tracks tailored to your learning style, to help fast-track your way through the Pitching Research modules!
PRF Reading Room
The PRF Reading Room is designed to provide PRF scholars a convenient source of the main scholarly literature focused on the Pitching Research Framework. We provide useful categories to assist readers to expediently identify papers of most interest to their current needs