What, Why, How, Who, and When of the IGPRC2024. In brief…
First, What? Following on from the great success of the inaugural InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition (IGPRC) event in 2021-22, and the second edition IGPRC2023 – both founded on Faff’s (2015, 2021) Pitching Research Framework (PRF), the goal is to conduct a third edition of the global Pitching Research competition in 2024.
Second, Why? We aim to further deliver on the underlying mission and vision of InSPiR2eS – namely, to globally facilitate research training & capacity building, resting on the foundation theme of “responsible science”. Moreover, this is now a signature event of InSPiR2eS Centre for Responsible Science (IC4RS, see Faff, 2023).
Third, How? We invite written pitch entries to IGPRC2024 via a range of avenues including country-coordinated efforts, that lead to a “gold-medal” pool of initial winners (Q1 pitches), which in turn are ultimately distilled to an online TOP six Grand Finale event. We explain details including prize money and awards, headlined by a $AUD5,000 prize for the ultimate IGPRC2024 winner.
Fourth, Who? The eligibility criteria encompass valid entries from research-enabled undergraduates, research-focused students and ECRs.
Finally, When? The competition has a range of phases, spanning the period March – December 2024.
For full details see:
Faff, Robert W., InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition 2024 (IGPRC2024) … What, Why, How, Who, and When? (February 13, 2024). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4722247