PRF News

Launching IGPRC 2024

What, Why, How, Who, and When of the IGPRC2024. In brief…

First, What? Following on from the great success of the inaugural InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition (IGPRC) event in 2021-22, and the second edition IGPRC2023 – both founded on Faff’s (2015, 2021) Pitching Research Framework (PRF), the goal is to conduct a third edition of the global Pitching Research competition in 2024.

Second, Why? We aim to further deliver on the underlying mission and vision of InSPiR2eS – namely, to globally facilitate research training & capacity building, resting on the foundation theme of “responsible science”. Moreover, this is now a signature event of InSPiR2eS Centre for Responsible Science (IC4RS, see Faff, 2023).

Third, How? We invite written pitch entries to IGPRC2024 via a range of avenues including country-coordinated efforts, that lead to a “gold-medal” pool of initial winners (Q1 pitches), which in turn are ultimately distilled to an online TOP six Grand Finale event. We explain details including prize money and awards, headlined by a $AUD5,000 prize for the ultimate IGPRC2024 winner.

Fourth, Who? The eligibility criteria encompass valid entries from research-enabled undergraduates, research-focused students and ECRs.

Finally, When?  The competition has a range of phases, spanning the period March – December 2024.

For full details see:
Faff, Robert W., InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition 2024 (IGPRC2024) … What, Why, How, Who, and When? (February 13, 2024). Available at SSRN: